Thursday, March 26, 2009

Updates...long post!

WARNING! This may be a long post since I haven't blogged in I don't know how long. Ughh...I am such a bad blogger! Anyway, this is a little bit of what we have been up to in the last SEVERAL months.

Bennett's 1st Haircut

Two golfers with Little Bo Peep and her sheep


Christmas 2008

Key West, FL - Christmas Vacation

You can't go to The Keys without having Key Lime Pie! Mmmmm...

Airboat ride through the Everglades

Mason's first ride at Disney World was a pretty fast kids roller coaster. He looked TERRIFIED through the entire ride so I was nervous he was going to start crying as soon as it stopped. But instead, he said in a low serious voice "let's do it again." That's my boy!!! He was able to ride so many fun rides since he is pretty tall. It was so fun for him but probably more fun for Jeremy and I to watch him!

Mason and Grandma!

Disney World on Christmas Day!

Sea World was also a hit! I think that was a family favorite.

We also went to the Kennedy Space Center Museum.

ooooohh baby! Love the 3-D glasses!

The clan at Animal Kingdom.

Our belated Christmas morning!

Check out the ghetto "Christmas tree" we made out of gifts in the background. Nice.

The annual Shaw Christmas Ball - thanks grandma and grandpa!

Epcot Center

The kids loved the fireworks even though we had to wake them to watch the show.
Congratulations to all those who made it to the end of this forever long post!


Amy said...

Cute pictures! Bennett is getting so big. Christmas looks like fun. I guess that we can forgive you for not coming to Utah :)

Oh, and I got my hands on some Girl Scout Samoas. Life = complete.

Frederick Family BlogSpot said...

Thanks for the update. We've missed seeing you, but we're so jealous about how warm you've been while we're freezing.

Todd and Meagan said...

What fun pictures! I have to say that my favorite is the halloween one. What a cute family you guys are! Little Bennett in his sheep costume is hilarious. Will you guys be finding out soon where you are headed next?

Max Fam said...

oh my! FL looks like a dream! I can't believe how big Bennett is getting!

What are your plans after this year?

Stephanie said...

First of all, are the golfer/little bo peep ensembles part of Halloween, or just a crazy Saturday night in Florida? Second, your hair is so long and since when is Bennett a blondie? Looks like fun - I'm super jealous.