Friday, September 19, 2008

Hurricanes, Shmurricanes!

So we have dodged yet another hurricane. Only two more months left of hurricane season. We are still loving Florida and are already scoping out our retirement here in 20 years. Ha! What a sad day it will be when we have to leave! Anyway, here are some pics of what we have been up to lately. I promise all of our posts won't include beach pictures, but that's what we have been doing a lot lately. It's really all just a ploy to try to get all of you to come visit!!!!!!!


Amy and Jeff said...

We'll, I fell for the ploy. We'll schedule a vacation to Florida... well, when we get our hands on some cash :)

I'm glad that you updated your blog! We miss you guys!

Amy and Jeff

Stephens said...

We may be in Florida in March! I need some serious knitting help, but for some reason can't find your email. Do you still have your KY cell phone number?

Todd and Meagan said...

I am so happy to see that Bennett still has that heartbreaking smile! We drove by your house the other day and saw the new car sitting in the driveway. Fisher thought we were going to play with Mason.

The beach pictures would totally be enticing except for the fact that Florida waters happen to contain things called SHARKS!!! I would go there just to sit on the beach and get tan though...oh, and to see my friend! We miss you guys.

Frederick Family BlogSpot said...

Would you email me the picture of the 4 of you at the beach? I still can't find your Christmas picture and so my kids don't get to point out Bennett when we look at our book (Mason is in there). --Julie